“Then all at once in the night sky, a vast number of glorious angels appeared, the very armies of heaven! And they all praised God, singing: “Glory to God in the highest realms of heaven! For there is peace and a good hope given to the sons of men.”
Luke 2:13-14 TPT
Out on a lonely hill if this happened to me, well I would be overwhelmed. The shepherds to whom the angels appreared were simple folk. Had they been discussing the Messiah? Was there a longing for Him to come? Or were they completely taken by surprise?
I know my God loves to surprise me. I have many prayers that await the answer. Sometimes God chooses to answer one in the most unexpected way. Often I am gobsmacked. He waits until my attention is elsewhere and ta da! His surprise arrives.
What joy the Lord would have experienced, what resounding joy the heavenly hosts were experiencing. The Son of God had been born in human flesh. What love! What a divine connection!
Thank You Father for sending Jesus to earth, thank You Jesus for coming. You brought grace unknown to earth, You brought forgiveness and mercy. Best of all You gave us salvation from our sins and the eternal punishment that was due to us.
Thank You Jesus!