Monday 14 May 2018

Give Him Glory!

Not to us, Yahweh, not to us, but to Your name give glory because of Your faithful love, because of Your truth.
Psalms 115:1 HCSB

This verse is part of a new song we sing at church. It is good to know where it comes from. One thing the song does not mention is the last few words: ' because of Your truth.'

The Lord is faithful and truthful. He is to be trusted. When all around us is found to be false, He is truthful, His word can be trusted.

Many people have endeavoured to disprove the bible but at each new archeological dig, they just go on to prove the written word as true.

I am grateful that I can trust the bible as the written word of God. It brings me life and challenges me to do greater things.

Because God's word tells me He loves me and wants to bless me I am expecting His blessings every day. Today was filled with blessings, some in disguise, but nonetheless, a blessing. My challenge is to keep calm and watch for His revealing of the blessing.

Trust Him and His word and look for Him to reveal His love for you. Amen!

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