Monday 3 December 2012

Trespasses and Sin, but GOD!

And you were dead in your trespasses and sins in which you previously walked according to the ways of this world, according to the ruler who exercises authority over the lower heavens. Ephesians 2:1,2

I have seen demons that rule over areas. There was a period of time after the Toronto outpouring that I could see into the spirit realm. I remember visiting Ireland and saw a huge demon with blood running down his face, he lusted for the blood of man, he loved to kill, maim and destroy. This was a time when the island was seeking peace and I prophesied over the county and The Lord said 'as His people pray and break the bondage then Ireland would be free.' They did and they saw peace! Yes!

I saw the demon over Tamworth, NSW, Australia. It is fat and lazy and I prophesied to it that Jesus was going to take Him down. His time is coming soon! Amen!

Our enemy is real and never let's up. When we were far from Christ we were alien to Him, outside His Kingdom BUT He saw us and called us and by his grace saved us from the rulers of this present world. Now we are free from the dominion of darkness. No matter what chains held us He set us free and He says in John 8:36 : 'he whom the Son sets free is free indeed'.

The power of God is mighty to save, heal, deliver. May your kingdom come, Your will be done.! Amen and amen!

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