Monday 19 November 2018

I Will Sleep

I lie down and sleep; I wake again because the Lord sustains me.
Psalms 3:5 HCSB

It is bed time here in Nepal. Travelled for around 7 hours by bus today to Pokrah, Nepal's holiday city by the lake in view of snow-capped mountains. We arrived to find our accommodation absolutely delightful. Gardens creates a beautiful atmosphere. I am reminded of a trip I did to Bali, the gardens are similar. We went out for a walk and had a light dinner down by the water in another exotic garden setting. Wow am I feeling blessed. We then went for a walk along the shopping strip and discovered that there were many shops selling the same thing. However, when almost done we found a shop where the products were made by deaf and dumb Nepalis. There was a young man weaving out the front of the shop. How wonderful!

You would be forgiven for believing you were in Nepal as our experiences this week, so far are so different to last week. Yet I know my God has gone before me.

Thinking back, should I have attempted to pray for healing in the shop for deaf and dumb? If I was Todd White perhaps I would. However as the shop was full of people I did not venture to ask to pray. Remembering that we are here for Christ and not ourselves can be difficult when we go with a mindset to shop instead of being switched on at all times.

Lord please make me mindful of Your Kingdom at all times. AMEN!

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