Monday 14 May 2018

Family and Faith

May the Lord add to your numbers, both yours and your children’s. May you be blessed by the Lord , the Maker of heaven and earth.
Psalms 115:14‭-‬15 HCSB

Yesterday my mother referred to how many children had come from my father and her union. They had 6 children who all produced children who peoduced children and some of whom have produced children.

At any point in time a couple could imagine the line started with them. Perhaps the living line may have begun with them, but on both sides there is history. For the Christians, perhaps they believe the faith line started with them. I did! However two years ago I found out my great grandparents were believers.

Over this past week I discovered my mother's family line went back to 1290 AD. That is so far. Each of us carry history in our loins. Foolishly we can think we are alone in our quest. There has always been someone.

God called Abraham out from a heathen land. He began a walk of faith. However he sent back to his homeland for a wife for his son. He trusted where He came from rather than where he was for a good wife. Did he see a heart after God in his family? We know they worshipped idols. What made a woman from his homeland better than women in the land he found himself?

If, like Abraham, we are the beginning of faith in our family, like Abraham we must cling to our God and trust Him. We will begin the sanctification of all our family. Amen!

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