Sunday 13 May 2018

Praise Her!

Give her the reward of her labor, and let her works praise her at the city gates.
Proverbs 31:31 HCSB

Reward for Labour. That is what happened today, for many women in our nation as we celebrated Mother's Day. I had a good day, mainly because it was unexpected. That is always the best! Surprises can be good.

At church we had a bit of fun and I volunteered. I then found myself given a seat of honour on a couch above the crowd along with two other women. We were showered with all manner of foods and given a free pass to our women's conference and a lovely sweater. All the women were given bracelets as well.

I put on lunch for my mum and had a sister and brother visit as well as a neice and a few nephews. My son called twice and we had a good chat. Throw in an afternoon nap and the day was sealed.

A lot of women do not receive honour for all they have done in raising their children and this is sad. However, our God notices all we do and His rewards are worth waiting for. Amen!

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