Monday 29 October 2012

All My Heart

Happy are those who keep His decrees and seek Him with all their heart.
They do nothing wrong;
They follow His ways. Psalm 119:3

A sure deliverance from guilt is to live in Him and not just force oneself to abide by rules and regulations.

The psalmist had the law, we have Christ. His blood was the perfect sacrifice, He fulfilled all the requirements of the law.

How can I live in that victory? by faith in the Son of God who saved me.

In Him I am complete, in Him I am righteous, in Him I am abundantly blessed, in Him I am healed of all infirmity, in Him I have a relationship with my Heavenly Father.

Today I am called to do mighty deeds in His name. I have been given all the tools I need.

Be blessed! Amen!

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