Wednesday 10 October 2012

Faithful Love and Justice

I will sing of faithful love and justice; I will sing praise to You, Lord.
I will pay attention to the way of integrity.
When will You come to me?
Psalm 101:1,2

David is back. His passion for God and right living is infectious.

David endeavored to order his paths aright.

The Lord had promised to not turn away from these who ordered his paths aright.

What does that mean? No short cuts, no compromise.

David was king here and saw his responsibilities to his people as that of faithful love and justice. Good king!

Each of us has a part to play in our own world where someone has to interact with us. Whatever do and say affects someone, even if it is the checkout Chickie. What message are we giving?

Our God has given us the tools to deal with others with faithful love and justice. If His spirit lives in me then it is He who must live through me and He does not abuse anyone!

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