Saturday 27 October 2012

Praise Him

Praise The Lord, all nations!
Glorify Him, all peoples!
For His faithful love to us is great; the Lord's faithfulness endures forever. Hallalujah! Psalm 117

This looks like the smallest psalm yet so full of power!

Praise releases power. As I praise Him for who He is and then begin to praise for what is yet to become, it begins to take shape.

Live in praise as the alternative is hopelessness.

The world without God is condemned and as the condemned sing the song of condemnation their shackles appear.

Remember folks what we talk about becomes what is.

If we bitch and complain that no one loves us, no one does. If we complain about our finances, we are poor.

If we talk about possessions and the constant getting we build a warehouse that needs to be filled with junk we do not need. However the warehouse becomes a trap, steel doors go up without our noticing, a maze develops and there is no way of escape, except one.

The one who spoke creation into being and who longs for a relationship with us is our saviour, our only saviour.

Refusing Him is refusing the best love experience available, ever.

Refusing Him is walking into a world of traps, there are many and they all want to own you, be careful! Only Christ can set you free, all other gods will plunder your soul and exact your life.

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