Thursday 15 November 2012


How good and how pleasant it is when brothers (and sisters) live together in harmony! Psalm 133:1

Unity, what does it mean and stand for? Wholeness, accord, oneness, peace, undivided are all words with similar meanings.

How can this happen in a bunch of individuals? Well perhaps working for the one goal and purpose. However, the apostles Paul and Barnabas fell out about the presence of John Mark in their outreaches. Why? Was God not involved? Yes but so were strong personalities. They had one purpose, the spreading of the gospel yet they disagreed on the taking of one of the gospel writers.

Where does that leave us? Just as vulnerable but with the same God who works all things for our good.

I know He uses the antagonism of those in my world who reject me to bump me onto the right course, for this I am truly grateful because they were tools in His hands.

He uses these episodes to see Him and not the upset. His beauty is a lot more palatable than bad manners.

Look for Him! If you always see Him then the behaviour of others is merely incidental. Amen!

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