Friday 9 November 2012

Favour in the Face of Christ

Show us favour, Lord, show us favour, for we have had more than enough contempt. Psalm 123:3

This morning I read about a 92 year old man who is in a refugee camp. He has lost all his possessions and all his family. He is hungry and very alone.

I see many such stories as I have UNHCR and World Vision on my Facebook.

As I see the lust Nd greed in the west and watch the great divide I grieve.

Both parties have one thing in common: a need for Jesus Christ.

A relationship with Christ help one in poverty as He is their comfort and provision. The one in abundance who has Christ has a heart for the poor and does not waste their lives on consumerism.

As Paul the apostle once said: I have had plenty and I have had lack but in both of those states I have more than enough because I have Christ.

He needs to be my governor, my check, my balance, my provider, my all.

If I have been crucified with Christ then He lives in me, I no longer live and I live through faith in Him.

I have been in huge lack and every time He has come through for me.

I have been in abundance and know it is not just for me but for those around me, for those that He brings into my world.

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