Wednesday 7 November 2012

Praise For Grace

My lips pour out praise, for You teach me Your statutes.
My tongue sings about Your promise, for all Your commands are righteous. Psalm 118:171,172

I have been reading Galatians and must say the gospel of Grace is so much better than the struggle under the law.

Verse 1:16 says we know that no one is justified by the works o the law bit by faith in Jesus Christ. And we have believed in Christ Jesus so that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the work of re law no human being will be justified.

To live without the power of Christ in me is abhorrent to me. To have been doomed to live my life with Him would be devastating. I so grateful he saved me, so grateful.

Me without Christ is not a good look.
Me with Christ is life and power and glory beyond my wildest dreams. He is soooo good. Amen!

Knowing the difference between law and grace causes my spirit to rise up in praise. All glory, all honour to Him. All gratitude all blessing to Him. Amen!

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