Friday 6 October 2017

Forgiveness Brings Healing

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The urgent request of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect.
James 5:16 HCSB

Not many of us would think to do this when we need healing, we would rather go to the doctor. Yet a surer way to be healed is to confess our sins.

Most of our sins are relational. We see people killing huge amounts of people in the USA. I wonder how many murders were done in rage fueled by offence? The latest in Las Vegas was horrendous. We in Australia only ever had one, then guns were banned. The few guns left are with the farmers and sportsmen and women. We have just had a gun amnesty which netted hundreds of illegal firearms. Unfortunately people will find ways to kill if they want to. Knives are quite common in domestic disputes.

There is so much rage. Where does it come from? The pit of hell! It is the enemy's tool to 'kill, maim and destroy.'John 10:10. Jesus told us this. He came to give life. He told us to forgive one another. A lot of His teaching was relational.

Rage comes out of unresolved hurt and offence. If we resolve our offence there rage has no power. However, if we confess our sins to one another we have an opportunity to bring healing. Amen!

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