Thursday 19 October 2017

Moral Filth

Therefore, ridding yourselves of all moral filth and evil, humbly receive the implanted word, which is able to save you.
James 1:21 HCSB

Do you recognise moral filth? Do you reserve this phraseology for paedophiles whilst yourself looking at websites you should not be found in? Do you think moral filth is only sexual?

We have an enemy who is roaming around looking for someone to devour. Are you presenting yourself on a platter? The trick with deception is it knows how to deceive. James tells us we are lured away by out own evil desires. The secret stuff will undo us.

Morality is broad. How I treat others can be morally wrong. If I am caught up in euphoria from a win, a good experience, I can, without realising it crush and wound a poor person. It is as if I have a large 4WD vehile in amidst poor people on bikes and they are everywhere.

Do I morally care for my elders or see them as a means to an end? Do I take from then without repaying and think It is right? If I use them it is morally wrong.

Just attending church and paying tithes does not absolve me from accountability. Jesus took the Pharisees to task for abusing their parents.

Allowing the Holy Spirit room to convict us of our sin and bring us to repentance requires us to right the wrong. Fix it. Receive the word of God into your hearts and change the wrong. Amen!

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