Saturday 7 October 2017

Righteous Ways

The result of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quiet confidence forever.
Isaiah 32:17 HCSB

Walking in righteousness is a process whereby daily we choose godliness over worldly ways. Having an encounter with the Lord does not magically make us righteous. We have to intentionally choose God and His word over each and every situation.

Living a righteous life is living a life where godliness is now a lifestyle, not just Sunday's best. As we now live in a time when 'each man pleases themselves', church attendance is not necessarily the norm. Many 'tune in ' to watch their church service. However, if this person is not committed in heart and soul, self-rule will become the norm. Away from prying eyes we can easily rewrite the bible to suit ourselves. Suddenly we are not even tuning in anymore as the lure of sun and fun become more important.

A righteous soul knows itself and what it needs, fellowship and accountability. Without showing up these are just nice ideas.

Remember true righteousness carries peace. The fake carries momentary pleasure only.

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