Wednesday 25 October 2017

Source of Eternal life

“I assure you: Anyone who hears My word and believes Him who sent Me has eternal life and will not come under judgment but has passed from death to life.
John 5:24 HCSB

So simple! Believe and receive! In a world full of frauds here was a man claiming to be the Way to the Father. Do you have a good register of what is good and clean and lovely? I remember being told, many years ago now, that I was naive. I was considered too trusting and not seeing evil.

Over the years I have continued believe in Jesus as the author of eternal life. You see, I know Him intimately. We have been through much together and He has always been faithful. Yes He has not performed to my ideas at times but I have trusted Him enough to allow time to show me why He was right and He was.

In this chapter 5 of John we see Jesus heal the man who had laid by the pool at the Sheep Gate waiting to get into the pool, at a certain time, to be healed. However he had no-one to help him. Into his world came Jesus, on the Sabbath, to heal him. Jesus had told the man to pick up his mat and walk. As it was the Sabbath he was in trouble for breaking a law about picking up his bed on the Sabbath. There had been no-one to rejoice with this man, just condemn. There had been no-one to praise God, except the man. Instead the Jews began persecuting Jesus. Fools!

The words spoken by Jesus, above, went out into a world of fools. The precious Son of God still spoke these words as just perhaps there was someone who would hear, receive and believe.

Our world now is no different. It is full of fools, but hidden among the thorns are the roses, the soft hearing hearts. Continue to speak about Him, you may be surprised at who hears, accepts and obeys. Amen!

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