Wednesday 15 November 2017

What Do You Believe?

Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
Titus 1:15 KJV

Those who do not believe IN Christ believe in something. If the purity in Christ does not draw them, then impurity or some other belief will take hold.

I'm Australia we have just had the same-sex debate. Many who championed same sex marriage saw dirt in all those who opposed them. Some of those who did oppose saw dirt in those who supported the motion. On both the sides there are those who's eyes are not filled with light.

Wht do Christians refuse to bake cakes for homosexuals? Why do homosexuals want Christians to bake cakes? A different side of the same problem- prejudice and lack of love, perhaps.

I opposed the marriage of homosexuals because of scripture. What would Jesus do? Jesus was pure. To the pure all things are pure. Does that mean He saw homosexuals as pure? No! But His attitude was the same to them as He was to non- homosexuals- all have sinned and fallen short. (No He did not say that, Paul did. However He lived that.)

The above scripture applies to all who do not believe. I know Christians who will not use their faith and sit and wait for God to do something. He is waiting for them to do something. I know unsaved folk who do not believe IN Jesus. Their minds are indeed clouded.

All of us need to believe that He can and will. Then things change! Amen!

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