Tuesday 2 January 2018

Love of Money

Your life should be free from the love of money. Be satisfied with what you have, for He Himself has said, I will never leave you or forsake you.
Hebrews 13:5 HCSB

As a financial planner I see the disasters people get into without good money management and failure to cover debt with adequate insurance. Scripture also addresses wise stewardship yet loving money as opposed to God is also wrong. Who do we go to for an example?

Jesus comes to mind. He and 11 of his disciples did not love money yet there was one who did, he betrayed His Lord for 30 pieces of silver. I am meaning Judas. He fell out with Jesus over the lavish waste (to him) of the costly and fragrant oils the woman anointed Jesus' head with. The oils were very expensive and Judas' cry was : 'why they could have been sold and the money given to the poor.'(Mark 14:6) Judas did not care for the poor, but loved money.

This then poses the question: what will I do to gain money? Will I be dishonest? Will I cheat? Will I take what belongs to another?

Is the Lord Lord of my purse? Does He dictate where it goes or do I? As a Christian I have a God who will provide. I do not need to concern myself with more than I need to. This is the challenge for someone who has had prophesies over her about millions passing through her hands, beings a provider to the church.

All God gives me I must be diligent with, it is His ultimately, not mine.

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