Monday, 5 February 2018

You Record My Wanderings

You Yourself have recorded my wanderings. Put my tears in Your bottle. Are they not in Your records?
Psalms 56:8 HCSB

The Lord is unlike no other king, He does not delegate the recording of our wanderings, He Himself is bothered enough to record them Himself. As any dotimg Father would, He does. He probably has computer banks full of His videos of our wanderings. As a grandmother I have a phone full of photos and videos. They are cherished memories to me. He is no different.

Today I struggled all day to study and my mind was tired. I did all sorts of things to help stay awake. Diversion therapy was maxed out today. I made it! Only one more online lecture and then exams and assignment. Yay! I am sure the Lord was grinning with delighted interest in all my ways.

Tonight I was rewarded with 4 delightful little people bringing me flowers. What a lovely surprise! I am blessed!

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