Monday 30 April 2018

He Enables Me to Desire His Ways

For it is God who is working in you, enabling you both to desire and to work out His good purpose.
Philippians 2:13 HCSB

What I love about this verse is my God is giving me the desire to do His good purpose. We dont naturally desire God's good but rather have a penchant for our own selfish desires. However, we have an advocate. How good is He!

Our part is to yield and respond to His prompting.

Today was a good day. Nothing has changed but then everything has changed. Last week I remember when the change began. I was feeling sorry for myself and expecting clients to reject me because my employer was in the news in a bad way. I had a client, who is a businessman, say to me:"It is everywhere and in every facet of life." He was not negative but rather positive and uplifting. I am truly grateful to that man.

Each day I saw God bring blessing and hope. Today I decided to call a couple of clients who had not returned paperwork. They did not have a problem with me. I accomplished a lot today and finished all I had planned and more, so I went out into the garden and enjoyed the lovely autumn day tending to my garden beds.

I have continually chosen to believe I am blessed, rather than how I felt. Guess what? I am blessed! Amen!

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