Tuesday 10 April 2018

Not Ashamed

I cling to Your decrees; Lord , do not put me to shame. I pursue the way of Your commands, for You broaden my understanding.
Psalms 119:31‭-‬32 HCSB

We can trust the Lord to protect us from shame. Our enemy heaps on shame and if we have an inclination to listen to shame we will succumb. However, this is not necessary. In Christ I am the head and not the tail.

Today a colleague and I travelled down from the country to a seaside city for training. I made a point of visiting the beach and getting my feet wet. When I returned I had sandy feet. I didn't care. The pleasure of spending time on my Lord's beach was worth it. I was not ashamed.

I grabbed a few paper towels and wiped my feet. Jesus was not ashamed to have a woman pour anointing oils on His feet and wipe His feet with her hair. He saw in her genuine love and in her critics nasty malevolence. He told them to leave her alone. I went to spend time with my God. I am sure His comment would have been the same.

I did not look for approval and so don't need it. I know in whom I trust. Amen!

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