Thursday 24 January 2019


For the entire law is fulfilled in one statement: Love your neighbor as yourself.
Galatians 5:14 HCSB

This verse falls in the middle of Paul remonstrating with the Galatians as they were being coerced into becoming circumcised, probably by a group called the Circumcision Party. Paul has strong words about them and said: I wish they would go and get themselves castrated. He is a little miffed.

Paul begins the Chapter with:
Christ has liberated us to be free. Stand firm then and don’t submit again to a yoke of slavery.

As someone who was a Catholic I can understand. Catholicism is riddled with rules and regulations and as a new convert I struggled for a time with the freedom I had walked into. However, Christ came to set us free from any legal obligation to earn His favour. Law had been replaced by faith.

For the Jews who constituted the Circumcision Party they had the same struggle. Circumcism was a pillar of Judaism and they could not see a way past it. They needed time to have their minds renewed. It was a mistake for them to take to the roads, rounding up new believing Gentiles and laying their dysfunction on them.

We must also be careful. There is nothing that will make the Father loves us more than coming to Him in the blood of Christ. We do not need to do more. Our walk as a Christian is enough for Him as we walk in faith in the One who set us free. Stay free and love your neighbour as yourself. Amen!

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