Monday 22 April 2019

Training a Child

Our children and their children will get in on this As the word is passed along from parent to child. Babies not yet conceived will hear the good news— that God does what he says. Psalm 22:30‭-‬31 MSG

The people of Israel had been instructed on how to remember God's word and how to teach it to their children.

The Christian does well to teach his child the word of God; seeking God and putting godly wisdom above all else.

Taking children to church is a part of this training, however teaching them to pray and read God's word is also important. Children who have God's truth in them will have a firmer foundation than those left to their own devices. We are watching an outplaying of the evil forces in this word determined to destroy their young lives.

My grandson who was baptized yesterday is today in hospital after a fall whilst fishing with his dad. I watched this grandson be trained in righteousness and am delighted to say he is fun to hang out with. This morning we both went on a 5km walk together. He said that he liked hanging out with me. I am honoured as my grandson  is 13. He is the eldest of 5 children. Last year I took him on a holiday and today he said it was the best fun, just hanging out together. Thanks Mooey!

I am grateful for a godly heritage. Thank You Lord!

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