Saturday 11 May 2019

My Comfort

As a mother comforts her son, so I will comfort you, and you will be comforted in Jerusalem. Isaiah 66:13 HCSB

I love the book of Isaiah. In it God speaks through the prophet Isaiah. He tells of the coming of Jesus. In this very chapter we see the message of how God was going to send out missionaries to all nations. Yet the above verse deals with God comforting His people.

As a Christian I know He is my best comfort. He is trustworthy and reliable. Last night I watched TD Jake's message from last Sunday. He used the story about David and how they had been out fighting and came home to find all their families gone and all their stock. Scripture tells us: 'David encouraged himself in the Lord.' We all must come to this place.

Our God is indeed God and able to comfort us and show us the way forward. People will let us down. They are not God and we should not expect them to behave like Him. That's His job! Amen!

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