Sunday 26 May 2019

Right Priorities

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 9:10 HCSB

I can study all manner of subjects and become earthly-wise but if I fail to find godly wisdom, I am no more than a fool.

We see many so called greats face death, some scoff at the existence of God and in their arrogance they defy the One who holds eternity in His hands.

Imagine facing God after leaving this world and discovering we are not so clever after all and that our arrogance has doomed us to an eternal separation from this glorious One. Not only separation but being sent to an eternal flame with the demons who deceived us.How will all our earthly knowledge save us then?

Godly respect for God is the beginning of wisdom. He opens our minds to His understanding and His ways. His knowledge is good. Amen!

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