Monday 24 June 2019

God's Promise

And Abram believed the Lord, and the Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith. Genesis 15:6 NLT

This chapter of Genesis shows a divine encounter Abram has with God. We see Abram confront God with the fact that the only blessing he really wants is a son and God tells him he will have a son and from him, a multitude would come.

The encounter is a divine one as God show up in an unusual way. Abram definitely is left with a memory that God met him and promised him an heir. This memory will need to last 25 years until Issac is born.

How many divine encounters have you had with God? How many prophesies have you received? Bill Johnson is a man who keeps a record of his and visits them often, to remind himself that God said...

Why not take the time to write your words from God down. God's word will come to pass if we do not throw away our hope. Amen!

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