Friday 14 June 2019

Our God

God in His holy dwelling is a father of the fatherless and a champion of widows. God provides homes for those who are deserted. He leads out the prisoners to prosperity, but the rebellious live in a scorched land. Psalms 68:5‭-‬6 HCSB

As I ponder my government's attitude to refugees I wonder how protecting our borders fits in. Australia being an island has few of the problems that other countries do. For a time we had people smugglers bringing boatloads of people to our shores but a strong stance by our government has all but stopped this.

A government must protect borders, yet people must do humanitarian aid to those in need. The dilemma is: what does this look like? Myself, I would welcome God's people who have to flee persecution. I know I would want to have the same help.

Always, the question is: where is God in all this? What would He have us do? I meet new
Australians regularly and we have our share in my city. I help that God brings me. I would not like the role of deciding 'who' can come. However, that is not my role. My role is to love those who do come.

I have a Muslim family in my street. The mother and I walk together and are planning: a book club, a gardening club and a cooking club.

Our God has a plan for all of us. As a divorcee, I can attest that my God has supplied all my needs and given me an abundance for the good works He has planned for me.

We all have a part to play. Let us do it!

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