Sunday 23 June 2024


“I tell you, this sinner, not the Pharisee, returned home justified before God. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”Luke‬ ‭18‬:‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Who is this sinner? The whole parable is contained in verses 9-14. Jesus had just told a story about two men: one a Pharisee and one a tax collector. Both had gone to the temple to pray. The Pharisee talked about how wonderful he was, he boasted about his own righteousness and put down the tax collector. Whereas, the tax collector beat his chest and asked for forgiveness from the Lord. 

The Pharisee had failed to see his own sin: pride. He arrogantly expected God to accept his own pronouncement of righteousness. We do this when we estimate ourselves more righteousness than the friend or person before us who has committed a sin which all know is obvious. Pride is insidious. It infects our hearts and robs us of relationship with God and man, it isolates us, causes us to believe we are better than the next man. Satan’s sin in heaven was pride. It is who he is, and he wishes to take many with him in and outside the church.

Pride has all to do with self. Scripture tells us to humble ourselves, like Jesus, who though He was God took on the role of servant, and in so doing, took our sinful pride to the cross and redeemed us, giving us His purity. The apostle Paul said:’ no one is righteous, no not one’ (Romans 3:10), but ‘ all are justified and made right with God through Jesus’ (Romans 3:24).

Humble people find life that lasts! Amen! Find that life in Jesus!

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