Saturday 7 September 2024

Finding the wise

“Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.”Proverbs‬ ‭13‬:‭20‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I have various friends, some I enjoy immensely, others in certain places and times. However, just because I enjoy a particular friend does not mean they have wisdom in all things. Some things they are very good and some not so. Why is that? Experience! 

Recently I cracked a tooth and half of it fell away. I asked a friend who had lived in Nepal for 16 years for advice. She recommended her dentist as being reasonably priced, good with pain relief and a capable dentist. She told me ‘ he does not have a fancy front shop but you will find him through a hole in the wall!’ Now, this can make one wonder how successful the dentist is and therefore how good he really is. But I trusted my friend and went to her dentist. He was the best! Better than my dentist in Australia. Now, this friend is willing to tell me where she has no experience, for that I am grateful. This, to me makes her wise.

This afternoon I will spend time with another friend who is wise in winning souls. I am looking forward to that time. She is doing something I have wanted to do, run craft lessons ending with devotions.

God has worked wisdom into my life in certain areas of faith and I can share these. He has trained me in finance and I can share this. He has trained me in His word, in words of wisdom , miracles and healings. Of these I want more. He has trained me in business and leadership, for this I am grateful, and always open for more. I know I need more, this is wisdom.

I value wisdom and wise friends. More Lord!

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