Thursday, 28 November 2024


“The wealthy in their conceit presume to be wise, but a poor person with discernment can see right through them.”Proverbs‬ ‭28‬:‭11‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Serving in Nepal I have discovered many other foreigners serving here also. Unfortunately, because we are usually supported to be here, we are seen as a potential source of financial support for the Nepali people. It can create an ‘us’ and ‘them’ divide and resentment and complaining can result.

Yes there are differences, differences we do not understand because we have never walked in the shoes of the poor. We may think we have, but we have not to the same degree. Conceit is a nasty haughty spirit of deception. Us westerners are used to living at a standard way beyond the poor here in Nepal.

By Australian standards I am a poor pensioner, however, here in Nepal I am rich. Yesterday, I had another visit to hospital as I have had a long running cold and started to experience chest pain. I had a gamut of tests carried out and discovered I had a chest infection, and am now on antibiotics. With each test done the bills rolled out. The poor cannot afford such good treatment. I had just been paid my pension and could afford the tests.

Only the day before had one of my flatmates taken me to task with the way my friends speak about ‘them’. Them being the Nepali people. I have been embarrassed by my friends speech and spoken to them about it, however, it still arises, especially in front of Nepali people. It is rude and treats them as if they do not exist. It also takes a high attitude that demeans. 

Demeaning others occurs when we have conflict that we do not know how to resolve and do not go to the Lord in prayer with it, instead we complain. Complaining stinks! Amen!

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