Sunday, 5 January 2025


“She has been forgiven of all her many sins. This is why she has shown me such extravagant love. But those who assume they have very little to be forgiven will love me very little.”Luke‬ ‭7‬:‭47‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Jesus said these words to a Pharisee named Simeon. When Simeon invited Jesus to dinner he did not offer Him water to wash His feet or  oil to annoint His head. A former prostiture came in with expensive ointment and washed His feet with her many tears and wiped His feet with her hair, she then annointed His feet with her ointment.

Simeon represented those who thought they were sinless, the woman represented those who knew they were sinful. Today we have many who estimate themselves to be righteous, and they are not church attenders, they have made themselves god. They have deemed church-goers as weak and emotionally needy, themselves as self-sufficient and strong. They believe that if there is a God in eternity He should accept them as righteous. They will be very dismayed when they discover Jesus’ sacrifice is the only sacrifice that was acceptable to make mankind righteous enough for heaven.

No matter what we believe about Jesus, He is God, we are not. No matter how good we think we are, we are not the standard He is. Simeon and his colleagues deemed themselves to be righteous, then had been taught that if you follow the law diligently then you are righteous, however, Jesus came and disrupted their precious views.

When Jesus convicted me of my sin, I knew I was not righteous enough and asked Him for forgiveness. He came into my heart and has lived there ever since. I trust Him for my righteousness, my goodness, my acceptance. He is the way, the truth and the life! Amen!

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