Saturday, 11 January 2025

Sabbath rest

““Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.”
‭‭Exodus‬ ‭20‬:‭8‬ ‭ESV‬‬

In Nepal today, Saturday, is the church’s sabbath, whereas tomorrow is the west’s sabbath. Today, as in most Saturdays I go for a trek with my friend Chelle, I enjoy God’s creation, return home and share my food with Chelle and play a game. To us it is rest. Tomorrow we go to church and enjoy the fellowship of the saints as we worship the Lord together, we usually have lunch at a restaurant and return to my place for coffee and a game. My Nepali flatmates attend a church service both today and tomorrow. They are gone for most of the day. Sometimes they go to visit people who they are outreaching to.

Business is not a part of my schedule on the weekend. It is restful! I usually have food already cooked so that it just needs reheating. I do not like busyness. I like rest. Every morning I like to take a long time with the Lord, reading His word, sharing it with others via social media, worship, and prayer. I actually resist the urge to race in the morning, perhaps it is my age or the length of time I’ve walked with the Lord, or both. Anyway, I can take time and so I do.

There was a time in my life where to have time with the Lord was fraught with difficulty. No matter how early I would rise my young children would interrupt. Now, I enjoy peace. When back in Australia even there my youngest grandson Ollie is up early. Here, quiet!

I remember reading that Charles Wesley’s mum would cover her head with her apron to indicate ‘mum is having time with the Lord’, and no one dared interrupt. If we create a precedent it stands. Amen!

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