Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Forgive the ugly

“Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you.” Luke‬ ‭6‬:‭28‬ ‭NLT‬‬

A lot of hurt we feel is subjective, offending our selfish lives. Often it is not intended, yet we take it personally. If we can only step back and ask: why does this upset me? Am I operating in the flesh here?

Yes there are brutal people in our world who abuse mercilessly, we have seen it in the faces of the last Israeli hostages that were released. Three men who were gaunt and hollow, needing healing and love. We hear it in stories of Christians jailed in China and North Korea. 

Last night I read a story about three men in jail during the Second World War. Two were at death’s door and one close to it. One man had been the abuser of the other, who was a priest. The abuser cried out for help as he knew he was sinful, the priest who was mercilessly abused by that man struggled to get off his bed and shuffle to the abuser. He led him to Christ. That night both of them died. Both would find heaven together.

When compare suffering that is real with perceived suffer we must confess our sinfulness. We are not abused by anything other than dark selfish thoughts.

Lord, have mercy and give us insight into our own sinfulness and grant is the gift of repentance. Amen!

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