Thursday, 6 February 2025

Stay strong

“But as for you, be strong and courageous, for your work will be rewarded.”2 Chronicles‬ ‭15‬:‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This verse was given to King Asa of Judah, he did what was right in the Lord’s eyes for 36 years then he relied on his own thinking and made a covenant with a king and his people who were helping his enemy in Israel. The prophet came to him and rebuked him and he became angry and threw the prophet in jail. The rest of his life did not go well, he ended with a foot disease and still did not seek the Lord.

Asa destroyed the idols but failed to remove the shrines. I must ensure that idols are removed in my life, but also the secret shrines. I cannot believe I will only be healed by prayer from one individual, I cannot believe that I will be blessed by a particular act of giving and make that a habit, this becomes a shrine of worship. I cannot tailor my God to suit my purposes. He is God and way above and earthy habit or attitude.

Yesterday was not a good start to the day for me, a headache dogged me but the faithful prayer and love from my flatmates brought me through, I was able to go to Bible study last night and was blessed. I met a lady who has served in Nepal for 36 years and she stayed with me until a taxi came after the meeting. She is indeed a humble servant.

Thank you Lord for Your goodness to me, may I stay strong to the end. Amen!

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