Monday, 10 February 2025


“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.”Isaiah‬ ‭26‬:‭3‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Yesterday, I discovered that whilst I can start full of the Spirit I can end in the flesh. After a good time with the Lord and praying strong in the Spirit all the way to church, for 45 minutes, I attended a meeting where the words of my mouth undid me. How can this be?

I realise that areas of my life that are still not victorious, as in complete healing, can be undone by a fleshly comment. The reasons they are not victorious is because of my confession. Without realising it then I continue on in the flesh and miss Godly opportunities. What is the answer?Repentance and a prayer for awareness. 

This morning I came to the Lord and asked for forgiveness, being totally unaware all day yesterday. As I came to the Lord He spoke, ‘My Word will cleanse you!’ I am grateful! However, how can I last so long without the closeness of the Lord? That is a problem.

I had been enjoying the closeness of the Lord so much over the past few days. To think I can walk away from Him shocks me. Oh Lord may I be more aware and insightful! Amen!

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