“I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.”
John 16:33 HCSB
We suffer in small ways with sickness, offended family and friends, isolation. However, some suffer in extreme ways. Some are beaten and tortured for their faith. Our church hosts Pakistani refugees. These people have fled their homes for the sake of the gospel. We have many Chinese members and we know if they are caught in China they will be imprisoned. Next door to China is North Korea, as many as 80,000 Christians are imprisoned for their faith. India is now ramping up its persecution of Christians and this is spilling into Nepal.
What small suffering I experience, I am reminded it pales compared to my North Korea, Chinese, Indian and Pakistani brethren. How can I complain?
My Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice for me, how can I turn my back on Him and seek comfort? He promises me peace in the midst of all I will suffer. Praise Him! Amen!
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