“Does anyone want to live a life that is long and prosperous? Then keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies! Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it.”Psalms 34:12-14 NLT
A simple remedy, but one that is difficult to maintain. All it takes is someone to be unfair and unjust and the shackles go up. May we remember the Lord’s Prayer, especially: ‘forgive us our sins as we forgive others’. We are forgiven by the measure we forgive.
I am tested here regularly, my flatmates tell it like they see it. The individualism of westerners is seen as selfish. It is not nice to be called selfish, but that is what it is. Nepali households are community.
When offended we want to retaliate. However, the Lord said: ‘vengeance is mine!’(Romans 12:19) as we leave our issues in the Lord’s hands He sorts them better than we do. I have a friend who for the longest time transferred money from Australia by a means I would consider illegal. Last week he informed me that the Nepali government had closed down that loop hole. God was good to my friend as he was not prosecuted. I had warned this friend so many times and when I finally gave up, it was sorted. God’s ways are definitely not my ways.
I must trust the Lord in His role as God. His role is definitely God, mine is daughter and friend. His ways are so much more gracious than mine. May He retain Lordship! Amen!
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