Wednesday 31 October 2012

A Personal God

I told You about my life, and You listened to me; teach me Your statutes.
Psalm 119:26

The beautiful thing about Jesus Christ is that He is a personal God and He listens.

He invites is into a relationship with Him because He delights in us and wants to be involved with us.

In any relationship there is a two way communication. We talk to Him and He talks to us. How does He talk to us? Primarily through His word made alive in our spirits but also our spirits echo with His loving whispers.

Jesus Christ is not a harsh dictator, on the contrary He is a loving God. He came and lived like us and experienced all that we experience, the same fears and the same temptations. He knows what we face but He also has the answers as He worked through all of this and did it with faith in His Father.

He did not sin in His walk so now He can show us the way to life, If we let Him.

Invite him in today and watch your life transform. Amen!

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