Thursday 18 October 2012

Goodness of Your Love

But You, Yahweh my Lord, deal kindly with me because of Your name; deliver me because of the goodness of Your faithful love. Psalm 109:21

God is good to me because He is good and I trust Him to be true to His name. My own goodness does not come into it.

I can rest secure in the knowledge that I do not have to earn His love; His protection; His grace. All I have to do is trust and rest.

Goodness comes out because He is inside, and I want His goodness as mine, not so I can boast but so I can rest in Him.

Trying to be good enough is frustrating and impossible. However, trusting His love for me is very possible and a joy!

He has done it all. Why do I need to grown carrots when my father grows them and all I need to do is trust in His ability to grow them?

It is important that I know my place, that of a loved and cherished daughter.

I delight in giving to my grandchildren. I do not expect them to do what I do. I do expect them to obey and trust me to be me.

Think you can do this? Give it a try!

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