Monday 8 October 2012

Justice and Fairness

The mighty King loves justice. You have established fairness. Psalm 99:4

Every child likes to tell you: 'that's not fair!' They have an inbuilt sense of what is right and wrong. However, this sense is often peppered with a large dose of selfishness.

Cain had such a problem. God had favored Abel's sacrifice over his. His sense of justice caused him to become so angry that he killed his brother.

Often in our own lives we cannot see the truth, we can only see our version and therefore are offended when what we consider just and right does not come to pass.

I endeavor to trust that even the rejections are a tool in Gods hand. I know I am his delight. Therefore I can trust Him to use a tool the rejection or offense of others that the enemy fashioned to bring me down, to merely steer my onto the right path.

If I am always expecting Gods blessing then I can also trust Him for what He considers a blessing, instead of telling Him what it should be.


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