Saturday 20 October 2012

Wisdom and Insight

The fear of The Lord is the beginning of wisdom, all who follow His instruction have good insight. Psalm 111:10

This verse tells me that unless I respect The Lord I have nothing to do with wisdom.

Wisdom belongs to The Lord. It is His commodity, it is sourced in Him.

So the fear of The Lord is the beginning of wisdom. How does it grow?

The book of proverbs tells me wisdom is sought with an intense desire, it does not come to the lazy.

Therefore if I want wisdom to grow I have to seek it. The above scripture tells me that it begins with The Lord, therefore should I not seek him?

Proverbs also tells me that it was with God when the world was created. Sounds like it is intimate with The Lord.

Therefore if I want wisdom I must want The Lord.

Insight comes from following instruction (obedience). Insight is not available for the self willed and strong headed.

Proverbs calls such people fools.

It is foolish to deny The Lord. He is God! He made you!

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