Tuesday 6 November 2012

Faithful Love

Consider how I love Your precepts; Lord give me life according to Your faithful love. Psalm 119:159

The Lord is close to all who call out to Him.

I remember how quickly He came to me when I was just 19 and coming to salvation.

What a glorious night that was. 1am in the morning.

Going from darkness to light, filthy sinner to saint.

He has been with me throughout the years and never failed me.

Where would I be without Him? Lost!

He is ever willing to give life to all who ask, He loves relationship with us that much. How can we understand a God who sent His Son to die for us? Yet He did.

I am blessed and know it! I am loved and know it! I am redeemed and know it!

Yet all I have is not for me. It is for His kingdom. I am sent as a fisher of men. What I have freely been given I must also give.

You can call out to Him on your bed, in your car on the way to work, wherever you are you do not have to wait until you go to church. Church is where you go to celebrate and connect with others who love Him. Call out to Him where you are even if it is not a pretty place, He will find you! Do it!

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