Saturday 3 November 2012

Good Judgement

Lord, You have treated Your servant well, just as You promised.
Teach me good judgement and discernment, for I rely on Your commands. Psalm 119:65,66

Today saying I want to know commands lifts an eyebrow from those who hear. Western society is a most rebellious society and likes the power to do as it pleases.

Yet, for the wise and discerning, the word of God holds life, abundant life!

To live well we need a constant flow of abundant life. Where can this be found? Living a life centered on God and others is a good starting point.

Jesus promised wells of living water overflowing out of the one who commits their life to Him. John 4:14 and John 7:38.

So, basically, today your choice is: do my own thing and pay the price in my body and mind; give my life to Christ and live an abundant life above my circumstances constantly loved and protected, guided and fellowship end by the creator of the universe.

The choice is yours! Two roads are before you. Today choose life! Amen!

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