Tuesday 13 November 2012

Law or Love

Plowmen ploughed over my back; they made their furrows long. The Lord is righteous; He has cut the ropes of the wicked. Psalm 129:3,4

For all who rely on the works of the law are under a curse.....Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, because it is written: 'everyone who is hung on a tree is cursed.' Galatians 3:10-13

Living under a curse is like having someone plough furrows down your back. You are chained to failure to fulfil the law, subject to scorn.

Living under grace, conversely, is living in freedom and favour. By choosing Christ you choose favour.

Are there a lot of: 'this happens to me because I am not doing such and such' in your life? Are you binding yourself to a curse through law and legalism? Where is faith? Where is trusting Christ for grace to bring you through? We live this life by faith in the Son of God.

He is our peace who has broken down every wall. He is our saviour we do not save ourselves by legalistically fulfilling some set of rules and regulations. He gets the glory, not us! Amen!

Live out of relationship with Him not law!

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