Tuesday 13 November 2012

Gracious Redemption

For there is faithful love with The Lord, and with Him is redemption in abundance. Psalm 130:7

This was written pre-Christ, when a person was expected to keep the law and yet the psalmist wrote that there was 'redemption in abundance.'

Did this psalmist understand a relationship based on faith like his forefather Abraham? Or was he particularly good at keeping the law?

You and I have a ready access to the Father through the cross. A born again Christian understands grace (well, should understand). The Galatians missed the truth and started a works programme. Paul addressed them as foolish Galatians who had lost their way. They had begun in faith and ended up in works

Christ saw we were unable to connect with the Father because of our sin so he made a way by becoming the perfect, once for all, sacrifice. His blood was enough, and enough for all to eternity. I do not have to earn my way but believe my way and accept His grace.

Faith is enough to receive and it opens the way for us to walk in obedience through relationship.

Hang up the whips. Put away the knives and start to honor what He has done. Amen!

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