Monday 12 November 2012

Master Builder

Unless The Lord builds a house,
It's builders labour it in vain; unless The Lord watches over a city, the watchman stay alert in vain.
In vain you get up early and stay up late, working hard to have enough food- yes, He gives sleep to the one He loves. Psalm 127:1,2

In anything in life, if it is full of struggle and weariness it could be the wrong project. However, if it is the right project and You can't see God in it and you are in fear you are also in trouble.

The Lord has led me into projects and because of poor self- image ( I didn't see me the way He does) I struggled and had sleepless nights. I had to learn to trust that he really does love me, really wants to use me and really wants the best outcome.

I know that He is in control as I watch Him provide time an again. There is no bill unpaid and he is growing me as I continue to step out. He is good!

The important thing I have learned is: there are times of abundance and times of leanness. The abundant times are not for wastage but storage, for He has a plan for every dollar. I cannot assume that one abundant harvest means all will be the same. I must walk calmly and wisely trusting Him for all seasons, not fearing lack but giving generously as He leads.

Learning to lean on Him and listen is the challenge. Not relying on my own understanding is important, much safer.

Allowing Him to be master builder is a must! Amen!

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