Tuesday 27 November 2012

Never Give Up!

So we must not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don't give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, we must work for the good of all, especially for those who belong to the household of faith. Galatians 6:9,10

Don't give up!

I live in a farming community and know that first the farmer sows the seed and twice a year he harvests. There is a summer crop which is planted in summer and harvested in autumn/winter and a winter crop which is sown in winter and harvested in spring/summer. The farmer will talk about the amount of protein in the crop, the yield of the crop and condition of the crop.

We each have a harvest that we reap at the God-given season. If we sow to the flesh we reap a fleshly harvest. For example if I grumble and complain and speak negatively about my job, invariably something awful will come to pass.
If I grumble about my spouse he will turn our rotten. If I grumble about my kids they go astray. What I speak I get. I can't help it I m made in the image of a creator.

However, if I catch God's way and speak forth miracles and blessing, I receive miracles and blessing.

So then, with my mouth, I am exhorted to use my mouth, working for the good of all, especially my church family.

Negative people are inwardly focused. Everything revolves around them and their concept of how things should be. Christ exhorts us to 'seek Him first' and all, I say ALL, these things will be provided.

So today, look up and see Him and His Kingdom plan. Amen!

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