Tuesday 27 November 2012

Christian Lovs

Therefore, as we have the opportunity, we must work for the good of all, especially for those who belong to the household of faith. Galatians 6:10

I am compelled to stay on this scripture even though I wrote about it this morning.

We have to 'get it'. When we are told we are to work for the good of all, it doesn't say 'all our friends'; 'all our family' but just 'all'. Who are all? All are all neighbors, work colleagues, all who ride the bus or train with you, all who shop at the same store, all who drive on the same roads. All! Paul then goes son to say: 'especially those of the household of faith'.
This indicates church folk, it does not say 'nice' church folk but just church folk.

Not much room for a bad attitude is there?

As a Christian I know I have Christ living inside and therefore the power to love in the God kind of way, all. Amen!

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