Friday 2 November 2012

Your Word

Remember Your word to Your servant; You have given me hope through it. Psalm 119:49

The greatest challenge a Christian faces is: will God keep His word and His promises?

It is not that God is changeable but rather, can I trust? Can I believe? The problem lies with us.

God says that He is unchangeable and totally faithful. Our problem is that we have not experienced this from others in our world and it is not something we fully understand.

However, we have a God who wants to reveal His character to us. He is totally reliable, totally faithful, totally dependable.

Hebrews tells us that: God's word is living and active, sharper than any two edged sword, piercing bone and marrow, discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.(Hebrews 4:12)

His word is full of power, full of life, fully able to perform all that it is sent to do. Is 55:11. It never returns to Him without performing what it was sent to do.

Now if His word does this then we need to make our words agree with it because our words can block a blessing if filled with unbelief.

When we begin to speak health and blessing over our lives we become healthy and blessed.

If we speak forgiveness we are forgiven as we also forgive.

We are what we speak. Speak 'child of God' speak and you will walk in power and authority.

Speak victim stuff and a victim you will become.

So, today, what will you decide?

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