Wednesday 5 December 2012


For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God's gift- not from works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:9

Today I am so grateful that I am not under condemnation, having to try and please my Lord. His love for me is unconditional, yes undeserved, but oh so good. His love has set me free.

Jesus paid the price, so I do not have to pay. His mercy sets me free from all payment due all my sin was washed away when I said 'yes' to Him.

What grace is this? Amazing to me! I grew up in Catholicism and was under law. The day my Jesus came to me was joy indeed. My eyes were open and now I see.

What love drives such grace? Love divine without spot or wrinkle. Love supreme without cost or demand!

In the Epistle of Galatians had to speak about 'those who would boast in your flesh'. The Galatians were being seduced into believing they must be circumcised by a bunch of people who wanted to boast about their circumcision. These horrid people were basing Christianity on legalism. Paul stripped their argument bare and showed that grace is sufficient all the Galatians needed to do was walk in their freedom and 'be not entangled again by a yoke if bondage'.

I cannot give up my freedom in Christ because I would be accusing Him of not doing enough when He gave His all.

When He said 'it is finished' it was! Amen!

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